If you received your postcard, please take a photo and email to: cleemkpostcardproject@gmail.com
In recent years, exploring time as distance, Carol Lee has developed the on-going Postcard Project. This involves hand-made postcards like those displayed here. The picture side of each postcard carries a stenciled image, perhaps an object gathered from daily life and travels, or a pattern derived from a physical texture and preserved on a postcard using the artist’s “time drawing” technique. The other side is left blank for the audience to explore. Each visitor may write a message on a postcard. The postcards are then mailed to the intended person, embarking on journeys of their own. Thus, each postcard is not only infused with the time required to make it, but also mailed, delivered and received. In an era dominated by speed and digital media, with the Postcard Project, Carol Lee asks us to pause and think about writing as communication, and time.